[Physics] the cause of rolling friction? & why is it less than sliding friction


Rolling friction is the resistance to motion experienced by a body when it rolls upon another. It is much less than sliding friction for same pair of bodies. When one body rolls upon another, there is theoretically no sliding or slip between them. And if both are perfectly rigid, there is no surface of contact.

Then the book writes:

Different causes are present depending on the nature of the wheel and the road. For a hard wheel on a soft dirty road, as the road is slightly depressed at the point of contact and a ridge is formed in front of the wheel. Thus, the wheel is being continuously pulled up in a minute hill which causes rolling friction.

Now, my questions are:
– How does the ridge provide rolling friction in the opposite direction of rolling?
– There is not always soft road. What happens in the hard road?
– Why is rolling friction less than sliding friction??

Please help.

Best Answer

"Rolling friction" is a misnomer. Never be confused by it. Its not friction. Its ROLLING RESISTANCE-the correct name. It comes into play because objects are not perfect rigid in real life. It comes into play because of the deformation of shape of objects when in contact. When an object rolls on another WITHOUT slipping, there is a surface contact between them. enter image description here

It is the normal reaction that is responsible look at the diagram. A body rolling like this (in the diagram) is deformed and the normal forces on the front parts of the surface are always more (whether road is hard or soft) and results in a net backward force that will gradually stop the rolling body. The deformation depends on the nature of the two bodies, depending on their rigidity. Rolling resistance is usually less than static friction. Both are expressed in the same form where the coefficients are called coefficient of rolling resistance and coefficient of static friction. Experimentally, coefficient of rolling resistance is found to be smaller than coefficient of static friction for bodies with same mass. Coefficients are determined experimentally.

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