[Physics] the best way to imagine the difference between vectors and one-forms

general-relativitymetric-tensortensor-calculusVector Fieldsvectors

I am studying the GR and reading the Schutz.

He is defining the one-form as $\widetilde{p} = p_{\alpha}\widetilde{w}^{\alpha}$, and a vector $\vec{A} = A^{\beta}\vec{e}_{\beta}$

such that

$$\widetilde{p}(\vec{A}) = p_{\alpha}A^{\beta}{w}^{\alpha}(e_{\beta})= p_{\alpha}A^{\beta}\delta^{\alpha}_{\beta}$$

for ${w}^{\alpha}(e_{\beta}) = \delta^{\alpha}_{\beta}$

The books define one-forms as functions that take vectors as their arguments. And I believe its a good definition but I am still confused.

For me, it seems that there's not much difference between the two of them. For instance, in Minkowski space, the component transformation between vectors and one-forms are just defined as

$$V_{\alpha} = \eta_{\alpha\beta}V^{\beta}$$ For instance if the component of a vector is $\vec{V} = (a,b,c,d)$, then its components in one-from is $\widetilde{V} = (-a,b,c,d,)$.

The interesting thing is that in Euclidian space says they are equal which is clear from the above expression.

Let me express what I understand.

One-forms are like vectors but with different components. For instance in general we define a vector in the form of $\vec{A} = A^{\beta}\vec{e}_{\beta}$. So by using the basis vectors $\vec{e}_{\beta}$ we create new basis vectors such that $\widetilde{w}^{\alpha}$. So one-forms are just vectors but written on another basis?

Best Answer

To keep it simple, think of vectors (contravariant vectors) as column matrices and think of one-forms (covariant vectors) as row matrices (the dual space), and the inner product as a multiplication between row matrices and column matrices.

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