[Physics] Tensor product in quantum mechanics

hilbert-spacenotationquantum mechanicstensor-calculus

In Cohen-Tannoudji's Quantum Mechanics book the tensor product of two two Hilbert spaces $(\mathcal H = \mathcal H_1 \otimes \mathcal H_2)$ was introduced in (2.312) by saying that to every pair of vectors $$|\phi(1)\rangle \in \mathcal H_1, |\chi(2)\rangle \in \mathcal H_2$$ there belongs a vector $$|\phi(1)\rangle \otimes |\chi(2)\rangle \in \mathcal H$$
In a footnote it stated that the order doesn't matter and that we could also call it $$|\chi(2)\rangle \otimes |\phi(1)\rangle$$
I'm a bit confused, since I though that the order of the tensor product generally matters.
What would that expression look like if we picked a basis, say: $$|\phi(1)\rangle = a_1|u_1\rangle + a_2|u_2\rangle + \dotsc$$
$$|\chi(2)\rangle = b_1|v_1\rangle + b_2|v_2\rangle + \dotsc$$

Any help will be appreciated!

Best Answer

$|\phi(1)\rangle \otimes |\chi(2)\rangle $ is a cumbersome notation to write ket corresponding to $\psi$ function $\phi(\mathbf r_1)\chi(\mathbf r_2)$, where $\mathbf r_i$ refers to coordinates of the $i$-th subsystem. That's why the order of factors in $\otimes$ product does not matter; the resulting ket corresponds to the same $\psi$ function and is thus the same ket.

On the other hand, $|\phi\rangle \otimes |\chi\rangle $ (without labels) is meant to be read according to different convention; here it is commonly understood that the order of factor signifies the sub-system it refers to. So

$|\phi\rangle \otimes |\chi\rangle $ denotes ket corresponding to $\phi(\mathbf r_1)\chi(\mathbf r_2)$ just as $|\phi(1)\rangle \otimes |\chi(2)\rangle $ does, but:

$|\chi\rangle \otimes |\phi\rangle $ denotes ket corresponding to $\chi(\mathbf r_1)\phi(\mathbf r_2)$ which is not the same. This is because different meaning of the $\otimes$ notation is used.

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