[Physics] Tensor product in quantum mechanics

hilbert-spacenotationquantum mechanicstensor-calculuswavefunction

I often see many-body systems in QM represented in terms of a tensor products of the individual wave functions. Like, given two wave functions with basis vectors $|A\rangle$ and $|B\rangle$, belonging to the Hilbert spaces $\mathcal{H}_A^n$ and and $\mathcal{H}_B^m$ respectively, the basis $|C\rangle$ of the combined Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}_{AB}=\mathcal{H}_A \otimes \mathcal{H}_B$ is then

|C\rangle = |A\rangle \otimes |B\rangle.

However, in QM the tensor product (or outer product) may be written as $|A \rangle \langle B |$. What is the difference between $|A \rangle \langle B |$ and $|A\rangle \otimes |B\rangle$?

Best Answer

$\lvert A\rangle \langle B \rvert$ is the tensor of a ket and a bra (well, duh). This means it is an element of the tensor product of a Hilbert space $H_1$ (that's where the kets live) and of a dual of a Hilbert space $H_2^\ast$, which is where the bras live. Although for Hilbert spaces their duals are isomorphic to the original space, this distinction should be kept in mind. So we can "feed" a ket $\lvert \psi\rangle$ from $H_2$ to the bra in $\lvert \phi\rangle\otimes \langle\chi\rvert \in H_1\otimes H_2^\ast$, and are left with a state in $H_1$ given by $\langle \chi \vert \psi\rangle \lvert \phi\rangle$. The usual use case for such a tensor product is when $H_1=H_2$ to construct a map from $H_1$ to itself, e.g. the projector onto a state $\lvert \psi \rangle$ is given by $\lvert\psi\rangle \langle \psi \rvert$.

In general, a tensor in $H_2 \otimes H_1^\ast$ corresponds to a linear operator $H_1\to H_2$. In the finite-dimensional case, these are all linear operators, in the infinte-dimensional case, this is no longer true, e.g. $H^\ast \otimes H$ are precisely the Hilbert-Schmidt operators on $H$.

In constract, a tensor $\lvert A\rangle\otimes \lvert B\rangle$ (also just written $\lvert A \rangle \lvert B\rangle$) in $H_1\otimes H_2$, although it corresponds to a bilinear map $H_1\times H_2\to\mathbb{C}$ by definition, is usually not meant to denote an operator, but a state. Given two quantum systems $H_1$ and $H_2$, $H_1\otimes H_2$ is the space of the states of the combined system (as for why, see this question).

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