Astrophysics – Temperature on the Surface of the Sun Calculated with the Stefan-Boltzmann Rule

astrophysicsblackbodyestimationorder of magnitudetemperature

In a German Wikipedia page, the following calculation for the temperature on the surface of the Sun is made:

$\sigma=5.67*10^{-8}\frac{W}{m^2K^4}$ (Stefan-Boltzmann constant)

$S = 1367\frac{W}{m^2}$ (solar constant)

$D = 1.496*10^{11} m$ (Earth-Sun average distance)

$R = 6.963*10^8 m$ (radius of the Sun)

$T = (\frac{P}{\sigma A})^\frac{1}{4} = (\frac{S4 \pi D^2}{\sigma 4\pi R^2})^\frac{1}{4}=(\frac{SD^2}{\sigma R^2})^\frac{1}{4} = 5775.8\ K$

(Wikipedia gives 5777K because the radius was rounded to $6.96*10^8m$)

This calculation is perfectly clear.

But in Gerthsen Kneser Vogel there is an exercise where Sherlock Holmes estimated the
temperature of the sun only knowing the root of the fraction of D and R.
Lets say, he estimated this fraction to 225, so the square root is about
15, how does he come to 6000 K ? The value $(\frac{S}{\sigma})^\frac{1}{4}$
has about the value 400. It cannot be the approximate average temperature
on earth, which is about 300K. What do I miss ?

Best Answer

The relationship of temperature between a planet and a star based on a radiative energy balance is given by the following equation (from Wikipedia):

energy balance

$T_p = temperature\ of\ the\ planet$
$T_s = temperature\ of\ the\ star$
$R_s = radius\ of\ the\ star$
$\alpha = albedo\ of\ the\ planet$
$\epsilon = average\ emissivity\ of\ the\ planet$
$D = distance\ between\ star\ and\ planet$

Therefore if Sherlock knows $\sqrt{\frac{R_s}{D}} = 0.06818$ and can estimate the Earth's temperature $T_p$ as well as $\alpha$ and $\epsilon$ then he can calculate the temperature on the surface of the sun which is the unknown variable $T_s$.

Both $\alpha$ and $\epsilon$ have true values between zero and one. Say Sherlock assumed $\alpha = 0.5$ and $\epsilon = 1$ (perfect blackbody). Estimating the temperature of the Earth $T_p$ to be 270 K and plugging in all the numbers we have:

enter image description here

Which is very near the true average temperature of the surface of the sun, 5870 K. Case closed!

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