[Physics] Tachyonic antitelephone vs messaging through a wormhole


From the wikipedia article on tachyons:

Most physicists think that faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known laws of physics.[3][5] If such particles did exist, they could be used to build a tachyonic antitelephone and send signals faster than light, which (according to special relativity) would lead to violations of causality.[5]

Why would one consider hypothetical tachyonic particles impossible because of a causality, while leaving wormholes "sound"? Wouldn't messaging or travelling through a wormhole break causality just as communication using tachyons?

CTC breaks down Really fast.. like Planck constant fast.
So is it, that communication using tachyons as a carrier will inevitably violate causality.

Best Answer

The difference is that in the case of wormholes, it is not certain that closed timelike curves (and thus violations of causality) actually occur, and if they occur, in which form. There are different approaches to the issue, for an interesting read (which also treats other kinds of spacetimes that potentially violate causality), see this. The general idea is that causality violations might be suppressed by quantum effects.