[Physics] Symmetry Breaking And Phase transition


  1. Is every phase transition associated with a symmetry breaking? If yes, what is the symmetry that a gaseous phase have but the liquid phase does not?

  2. What is the extra symmetry that normal $\bf He$ has but superfluid $\bf He$ does not? Is the symmetry breaking, in this case, a gauge symmetry breaking?

Update Unlike gases, liquids have short-range order. Does it not mean that during the gas-to-liquid transition, the short-range order of liquids breaks the translation symmetry? At least locally?

Best Answer

Let me answer your first question: Phase transitions do not necessarily imply a symmetry breaking. This is clear in the example your are mentioning : The liquid-gas transition is characterized by a first order phase transition but there is no symmetry breaking. Indeed, liquid and gas share the same symmetry (translation and rotation invariance) and may be continuously connected in the high temperature/pressure regime. In quantum systems at zero-temperature, one may also encounter transition in between quantum spin-liquid states for which there is also no symmetry breaking. Yet another example is the case of the 2D XY model where there is a continuous phase transition but there is no symmetry breaking (Kosterlitz-Thouless transition).

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