Surface Tension – Understanding Capillary Rise


The expression for the height rise in a capillary tube is well known, and the surface tension of the liquid air interface is involved. But as I understand the adhesion force between the water and glass molecules is responsible for this height rise. Then how can this expression be dependent only on the liquid air interface surface tension? Shouldn't the forces between the solid and liquid and liquid and liquid also be involved? Or is it so that the contact angle already is the result of all these forces, and that is why these do not appear in the expression?

Best Answer

Your conjecture is correct: The rise of a liquid in a capillary is not just a function of the liquid-air surface tension but also the liquid-solid surface energy, AND this liquid-solid surface energy is present in the equation and its effect is represented by the contact angle parameter in the capillary rise equation.

Derivation of the capillary rise equation appears to be a bit involved, but there seems to be a good description here: Capillary Rise Equation Derivation

Note Figure 8.1 in the linked document: Even though it is the same liquid and same air for the two capillaries shown, in one capillary the rise is positive while in the other the rise is negative. The difference between the two capillaries? In one the contact angle is positive while in the other the contact angle is negative, presumably because the two capillaries are made of different materials so they have different liquid-solid surface energies.

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