[Physics] superconducting coherence length


I'm an electronics student, and don't know much about some physics concepts.
I was studying superconductivity and came to the London equation, Meissner effect and BCS theory.
I kind of understood these things, but am still wondering: what is superconducting coherence length?
All I understood is it's related to the Fermi length and for type I semiconductor.

Best Answer

Superconductivity is about the appearance of an energy gap $\Delta$ in the excitation spectrum of the electron quasi-particles, which become paired in the form of a Cooper pair below the critical temperature $T_{c}$.

An other important energy scale in metals (superconducting or not) is the Fermi energy $E_{F}$, which represents the baseline energy of all conduction electrons. So one can generate many interesting criteria by manipulating the energy gap and the Fermi energy. For instance $\Delta/E_{F}$ represents the strength of the superconducting binding of electrons in the form of Cooper pairs.

From these energies : the energy gap $\Delta$ and the Fermi energy $E_{F}=mv_{F}^{2}/2$ with $v_{F}$ the Fermi velocity and $m$ the conduction band mass, one can generate a natural characteristic length $\ell_{b.}\sim\frac{\hbar v_{F}}{\Delta}$. This characteristic length naively represents the size of the Cooper pair, and it is called the coherence length.

This was for clean system. In diffusive systems, there is in addition the diffusion constant $D$ which represents an area explored by unit of time. So the natural length scale constructed from $\Delta$ is $\ell_{d.}\sim\sqrt{\frac{\hbar D}{\Delta}}$. Since one usually takes $D\sim v_{F}\cdot l$, with $l$ the mean-free path, this is still related to the Fermi velocity, though different exponent.

Coherence length depends on temperature (because $\Delta$ depends on temperature, as e.g. $\Delta\sim\sqrt{T-T_{c}}$ in the Ginzburg-Landau regime), and it's related to the phase rigidity of the superconducting condensate : one needs to tilt the superconducting phase over the size of the superconducting coherence length to get some current. Also, coherence length is related to the penetration length a superconductor exhibits in contact with a normal metal. Since $\Delta\rightarrow0$ as $T\rightarrow T_{c}$, the coherence length diverges at the critical temperature, a hallmark of a critical phenomena (i.e. a second order phase transition here).

Superconducting coherence length appears naturally in many circonstances, as e.g. the penetration of the superconducting properties over non-superconducting materials. For instance, the Josephson current $j$ behaves as $j\sim \ell_{b.}/x$ in ballistic systems and as $j\sim e^{-x/\ell_{d.}}$ in diffusive systems at distance $x$ from the superconducting interface.