[Physics] String tension in vertical circular motion


Suppose that I have a point mass attached to a massless string and I am rotating it vertically. That means The mass is in uniform circular motion and the path of its motion is vertical circle. How does the tension change with respect to the position of the mass. More specifically is the tension in the string is only due to circular motion ($mv^2/R$) or gravity plays a part in it ($mv^2/R$ + something due to weight)?

Best Answer

Assume that the point mass, $m$ has two tiny thrusters, mounted so as to exert purely tangential force in the plane of the circular motion, one clockwise, and the other counter-clockwise.

The magnitude of the constant velocity of the mass is $v$, and the radius of the circle is $r$.

Measure the position of the point mass in the standard Cartesian coordinate way: angles are measured from the positive X-axis, counter-clockwise positive.

At the point where the mass is at a position angle $\theta$. the total radial force inward on the mass, $F_R$ is given by the centripetal force equation:$$F_R=\frac{mv^2}{r}$$

There are two forces that supply this radial force: the tension, $T$ in the string, and the inward radial component of the force of gravity:$$F_{G-R}=mg\sin(\theta)$$So:$$\frac{mv^2}{r}=T+mg\sin(\theta)$$and:$$T=\frac{mv^2}{r}-mg\sin(\theta)$$Note that this implies that:$$v >=\sqrt{rg}$$ or the string tension will become negative near the top of the circle, an impossibility.

The conditions of the question also require that at all times the net tangential force, $F_T$, be zero. The tangential component of the force of gravity, $F_{G-T}$ is given by:$$F_{G-T}=-mg\cos(\theta)$$where a positive force implies counter-clockwise force. The thrusters are needed to supply the exact opposite force to the mass at all times.

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