[Physics] Stokes law in 2-dimensions

dragflowfluid dynamicsnavier-stokes;viscosity

Stokes' law states that force on slow moving sphere (i.e. $Re\ll1$) in liquid is
F_d = 6 \pi \mu R V

In two dimensions we are in trouble (flow around disk in 2d or around cylinder in 3d), because there is no solution to the Stokes' problem (known as Stokes' paradox), but from dimensional analysis we can still conclude that

F_d = C \mu V

I did some numerical tests of Navier-Stokes equations for small Reynolds numbers and found that $F_d$ really does not depend on $R$ and $C\approx 4\pi$.

I find it quite counter-intuitive that the force in 2D does not depend on the disk radius. Have I done something wrong? Or it really does not depend on radius of the disk?

Only thing which depends on the disk radius is the admissible range of input velocities. If you increase $R$ than you have to lower the max $V$ to ensure the condition $Re \ll 1$.

Best Answer

Making conclusion based on dimensional analysis without testing the underlying assumptions is dangerous.

The paradox occurs because the validity of the Stokes' equations rely on the Reynolds number being small. This is not the case in 2D as inertia cannot be disregarded in the far-field and therefore a solely viscous dependent force is not possible. Instead a pertubation analysis using the Oseen equations (known as Oseen's approximation) is required leading to a form of the Stokes' drag multiplied by some corrective factor which depends on the Reynolds number.

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