[Physics] Stern-Gerlach experiment for spin-1 particles

quantum mechanicsquantum-spin

If we have a beam of spin-1 particles and let them pass through a Stern-Gerlach apparatus (oriented along z-axis, we get three output beams. Suppose we now take only the $+\hbar$ beam and pass it thorugh a Stern-Gerlach apparatus oriented along x-axis, we again get three states and we expect them to have equal probabilities (similar to spin-1/2 particles). Instead, we get beams with the following probabilities,
$$P_{+\hbar} = \frac{1}{4} \\ P_{0\hbar} = \frac{1}{2} \\ P_{-\hbar} = \frac{1}{4}.$$
This is contrary to the case of spin-1/2 particles, where when we conduct a similar experiment, we get $+\hbar$ and $-\hbar$ beams with equal probabilities. Where does this non uniformity in the resulting beams arise from for the case of spin-1 particles?

Refer. Spin-1 System, Chapter 2, Quantum Mechanics by David McIntyre

Edit. (As suggested in the comments) I am completely comfortable with the mathematical formalism and deriving the probabilities. What I am interested in is a physical reasoning (if it exists) for why the probability is not equal for the three beams.

Best Answer

Excellent question! To understand the reason for this, neither expectation of $S_x$ or $S_y$ going to zero is sufficient. One could setup equations from relevant commutation relations and get the probabilities but that’s equivalent to doing the matrix algebra. Let us see if symmetry helps simplifying things.

The fact that $\langle{S_x}\rangle=0$ enforces the weightage between the plus and minus states along x to be equal. This means they are of the general (real) form as follows: $$|{+,z}\rangle=\alpha~ |{+,x}\rangle ~+~\sqrt{1-2\alpha^2} ~|{0,x}\rangle ~+~\alpha ~ |{-,x}\rangle \\ |{-,z}\rangle=\beta~ |{+,x}\rangle ~+~\sqrt{1-2\beta^2} ~|{0,x}\rangle ~+~\beta~ |{-,x}\rangle $$

But the symmetry of the problem dictates that if you flip the system by $180^\text o$, you should get the same probabilities. In other words, keeping things real, $$\alpha=\pm \beta$$ Finally, using the fact that the plus and the minus states along z are orthogonal, we get, $$-2\alpha^2 + 1-2\alpha^2=0\\ \Rightarrow \alpha^2=\frac{1}{4} $$

Where we have chosen $\alpha=-\beta$ as plus would imply both the states are equal.

As you can see this is, like many things in physics, ultimately an outcome of symmetry.

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