[Physics] Stability of circular orbit in attractive inverse cube central force field


Considering a motion of a body under an attractive inverse cube central force,

$\textbf{F}(\textbf{r}) = -\frac{k}{r^3} \hspace{1mm}\hat{\textbf{r}}$ with $k>0$.

Is it possible for a body to move in an stable circular orbit? Since the derivation of the effective potential

$U_{eff}(r) = \frac{l^2}{2mr^2}+U(r)$

(where $l$ is the angular momentum)

has to be $0$ for a circular orbit, the only solution would be that $k = \frac{l^2}{m}$. But that would lead to an effective potential $U_{eff}(r) = 0$ for any $r$ (except $r = 0$). Is this a valid solution?

Best Answer

The possible trajectories of a particle subject to an inverse-cube force $F = - k/r^3$ can actually be derived exactly; they are known as Cotes's spirals. Depending on the relative values of the particle's angular momentum $\ell$, its mass $m$, and the constant of proportionality $k$ in the force law, they take on the form $$ r(\theta) = \begin{cases} (A \cos C \theta + B \sin C \theta)^{-1} & km < \ell^2 \\ (A \cosh C \theta + B \sinh C \theta)^{-1} & km > \ell^2 \\ (A + B \theta)^{-1} & km = \ell^2 \end{cases} $$ where $$ C = \sqrt{\left| \frac{ m k}{\ell^2} - 1 \right|} $$ and $A$ and $B$ are determined by the initial conditions of the trajectory.

It is not hard to see that almost all of these functions will either have $r \to \infty$ for some finite value of $\theta$, or $r \to 0$ as $\theta \to\infty$, or both. The only case in which $r$ is bounded and does not reach $r = 0$ is when $km = \ell^2$ and $B = 0$, which corresponds to circular motion. Most perturbations from this trajectory will either involve changing $\ell$ (if the particle is given an extra tangential "push"), or changing $B$ (if the particle is given a purely radial push, since now we must have $dr/d\theta = 0$.) Thus, most perturbations will lead to the particle either spiraling in to $r = 0$ or flying out to $r \to \infty$.

Thinking about this in terms of the effective potential: to have a circular orbit in an inverse-cube field, you must have $\ell = \sqrt{km}$. A perturbation will either change $\ell$ or leave $\ell$ the same. If $\ell$ is changed from its initial value, then the effective potential becomes $U_\text{eff}(r) = Q/r^2$ for some value of $Q$, which has no maxima or minima; the radial motion must either go to $0$ or $\infty$. If $\ell$ is unchanged, then we must have $dr/dt = 0$, and the effective 1-D problem is that of a particle moving with some initial velocity in a potential $U_\text{eff} = 0$. Again, this radial motion must either go to $0$ or $\infty$.