[Physics] Spherical inversion in terms of special conformal transformation


I want to consider conformal maps on suitable compactifications of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$. I know that a special conformal transformation: $$x_i\mapsto\frac{x_i-x^{2}b_i}{1-2b\cdot x+b^{2}x^{2}}$$ can be written as a composition of a spherical inversion, a translation (by $b$) and another inversion about the same circle. Since the conformal group is generated by special conformal transformations, translations, dilations and rotations, it should be possible to write the spherical inversion: $$x_i\mapsto\frac{x_i}{x^{2}}$$ as a composition of these maps. I can't, however, think of such a representation. How can it be obtained?

Best Answer

The special conformal transformations as well as the translations, dilations and rotations are all continuously connected to the identity. This means that they contain parameters such that at some particular value the trasformation becomes trivial. For example, for $b=0$ the special conformal trasformation you write is simply $x_i\mapsto x_i$. The inversion map $$x_i \mapsto \frac{x_i}{x^2},$$ on the other hand, is not connected to the identity.

We can also note that an inversion changes the orientation of the space, while the other conformal transformations preserve the orientation. In $D$ (Euclidean) dimensions the special conformal transformations, translations, dilations and rotations together form the Lie group $SO(D+1,1)$. This is what, at least in physics, is normally referred to as "the conformal group". If we also allow for inversions this group is extended to $O(D+1,1)$.

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