[Physics] Special Relativity – Relativistic Dynamics


I've been wrestling with this problem but to no avail. I'm hoping that someone here can give me a little nod in the right direction.

Problem statement:
A thrust-beam space vehicle works bearing a sort of sail which feels the push of a strong steady laser light beam directed at it from Earth. If the sail is perfectly reflected, calculate the mass of light required to accelerate a vehicle of rest mass $m_0$ up to a fixed value of $\gamma$.

Attempt at a solution: OK. Since the sail is perfectly reflective I view as if the vehicle is emitting photons. I also realize that the momentum of the light is $p = mv = mc = m$ (since I define $c=1$). This is where I get stuck. I have been using A.P. French's Special Relativity book and read his chapter on photon emission countless of times but the solution still evades me. Any pointer will be appreciated!


edit: I should add that I've calculated the relativistic mass of the ship as $m = m_0 \gamma$ and the momentum as $p = m \gamma = m_0 \gamma ^2$

Best Answer

Well, probably, you should use momentum conservation for the system spacecraft+photons at two points: 1) photons fly towards the spacecraft at rest, 2) photons fly away from the accelerated spacecraft.

Remember that the spacecraft reflects, rather than emits photons.

Edit: the relation $p=\gamma^2 m_0$ for the spacecraft is incorrect, it should be $\gamma m_0$