[Physics] Sound speed on Navier-Stokes/Euler equations

aerodynamicsflowfluid dynamicsnavier-stokes;

I'd like to simulate strong shock (i.e., Rankine Hugoniot conditions) on inviscid condition, using the non-conservative Euler equations and I don't know if I should use the relation,
c^2=\left(\frac{\partial p}{\partial\rho}\right)_s
for the speed of sound. Are we able to use this classical sound speed formula on Navier-Stokes (compressible viscious flow) equations?

Best Answer

The speed of sound can be derived from Navier-Stokes equations (cf. Ron Maimon's answer here) or (equivalently) through Bernoulli's equation (cf. Genick Bar-Meir's Fundamentals of compressible Flow Mechanics online text); I've also seen the ideal gas form derived from thermodynamic principles, but cannot find a source at the moment.

So it appears that the speed of sound is independent of the choice of fluid dynamics pictures considered.

Anecdotally, I went through some of the academic-use hydrodynamics codes I have on hand (most of which are for conservative Eulerian hydrodynamics for astrophysical purposes) and the ones that had functions for the speed of sound (some did it in-place, which makes it harder to find using grep) used the explicit forms (e.g., $c_\text{ideal gas}^2=\gamma p/\rho$). So you should be on safe grounds here.

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