Quantum Mechanics – Solving the Schrödinger Equation for a Free Particle in Momentum Space

eigenvaluemomentumquantum mechanicsschroedinger equation

Time-independent form of the Schrodinger equation states
$$\hat H\psi=E\psi$$
For a Hamiltonian in form of
$$\hat H=\frac{\hat p^2}{2m}$$
Which indicates a free particle, In the position space is routine and starts with plugging in the momentum operator in position space as
$$\hat p=-i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial x}$$
And we can obtain eigenvalues and eigenfunctions as
I also know we can derive the wavefunction in the momentum space with a Fourier transform. But I want to solve the SE in the momentum space. So
$$\hat H\tilde\psi(p)=E\tilde\psi(p)$$
One answer is the same as the previous method
But here $\tilde\psi(p)$ can be any function of $p$. But we know it should be the same as the result of the Fourier transform on $\psi$.

How can we obtain $\tilde\psi(p)$ with this method?

Best Answer

But here $\tilde{\psi(p)}$ can be any function of $p$.

In $p$ space, $p$ is the variable, not a constant and so, in general

$$p\,f(p) \ne P\,f(p)$$

where $P$ is a constant. Only for the case that $f(p) \propto \delta(p - P)$ can we write, e.g.,

$$p\, \delta(p - P) = P\, \delta(p - P)$$

Can you take it from here?

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