[Physics] Solving the 1D Schrodinger Equation for a Free Particle – Two Different Methods

schroedinger equationwavefunction

So starting from the time dependent schrodinger equation I perform separation of variables and obtain a time and spatial part. The spatial part is in effect the time independent schrodinger equation.

Since we are dealing with a free particle I can take the time independent equation, set V = 0 and solve.

I can do this successfully to obtain :


My lecturer has a small section titled :

Solving for the Free Schrodinger Equation


$$\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m}\frac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial x^2}+E\psi=0$$



This is the solution to the free TISE and TDSE.

He seems to be doing the same thing as me initially but he's obtained a different result ?

Also, the first section of his answer :$e^{-{iEt}/{\hbar}}$ is the solution to the time part of the equation (described above).

Best Answer

The lecturer's answer assumes $p$ can be positive or negative, and your answer assumes $p=\sqrt{2mE}$ is positive. The factor of $\exp{(-iEt/\hbar)}$ is just the time-dependent part of the separated solution.