[Physics] So do I use this Lorentz’s law or which law do I use


I have difficulty understanding exercise 24 in this document:

Two parallel wires I and II that are near each other carry currents i and 3i both in the same direction. Compare the forces that the two wires exert on each other.

(a) Wire I exerts a stronger force on wire II than II exerts on I.

(b) Wire II exerts a stronger force on wire I than I exerts on II.

(c) The wires exert equal magnitude attractive forces on each other.

(d) The wires exert equal magnitude repulsive forces on each other.

(e) The wires exert no forces on each other.

I think – if you use $F_m=IlB\sin \alpha$, which is Force on electric wire in uniform magnetic field – that $F_{II}=IlB\sin \alpha = 3IlB\sin \alpha > IlB\sin \alpha =F_{I}$
So answer would be b), but how is it possible because you have Newton's third law( the forces should be equal, but does it apply here) and there is not any magnetic field here.
So do I use this Lorentz's law or which law do I use?

Best Answer

The $B$ in these equations refers to the magnetic fields each individual wire creates. These fields are proportional to the individual wires' own currents.

In other words, the force of wire I on wire II is $F_{I \to II} =I_{II} \ell B_{I} \sin \alpha$. What is $B_{I}$, how does it relate to $I_I$, and how does it differ from $B_{II}$?

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