[Physics] Slit width for minimum spot size in electron slit diffraction if involving uncertainity principle

diffractionheisenberg-uncertainty-principlehomework-and-exercisesquantum mechanics

I don't believe the following is an accurate description of the physical but a homework problem to help understanding.

A beam of electron of energy 0.025 eV moving along x-direction, passes
through a slit of variable width w placed along y-axis. Estimate the
value of the width of the slit for which the spot size on a screen
kept at a distance of 0.5 m from slit would be minimum.

I have the following idea:

$$\theta \sim \frac{\lambda}{d}$$, where $\lambda$ is the wavelength, d is slit width, and $\theta$ represents diffraction spot size as an angle measure. For any $L$, the distance to the screen, this quantity goes minimum for $d$ tending to $\infty$

I have an intuition that the uncertainty principle shall be used to get a upper bound on $d$ as effects of Heisenberg's uncertainty exceed effects of diffraction.

That way, I would have $$v_y = \Delta v_y = \frac{\hbar}{m_e \Delta y} = \frac{\hbar}{m_e d}$$

Taking $$v_x = \sqrt{\frac{2 K}{m_e}}$$,
we have the spot size in angles as

$$\frac{v_y}{v_x} = \frac{\hbar}{d \sqrt{2 K m_e}} = \frac{\lambda}{d}$$

That leaves me nowhere only when it starts seeming I have solved it.

Please help.

Best Answer

If the slit width is large compared to the electron wavelength then the spot size will be the same as the slit width (assuming the electron beam doesn't diverge):

$$ \text{spot size} = w $$

In the limit of small slit width you get the equation you cite for the (half) angular divergence, and the spot width will be (assuming $\sin\theta \approx \theta$):

$$ \text{spot size} = 2L\frac{\lambda}{w} $$

where $L$ is the distance to the screen (0.5m). The smallest spot will be when these coincide i.e.

$$ w = 2L\frac{\lambda}{w} $$


$$ w = \sqrt{2L\lambda} $$

which I get to be about 88 microns. NB this is a very rough calculation as the spot doesn't have a clearly defined width and even with large slits there will be diffraction at the slit edges.

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