[Physics] Sliding blocks problem


My first post here, so I apologize if this is duplicated elsewhere. It IS a "homework" problem, but it's public domain, a posted exam with answers…


Here is the diagram in question

diagram 1

And here is the FBD for each block.
(question a is to find the tension in the rope and question b is to find the acceleration of the system)

Diagram 1

I am getting confused when the situation has , for example, two blocks simply sliding over each other. In those cases, the force of friction on the top block, by Newton's laws, produces a "reactive" force in the opposite direction that makes the lower block move.

In this case, the force of friction OPPOSES the motion of both blocks. I would value some help with understanding this.

I.E. how would I compare this question with the one below…
where there is friction between the block and toboggan, but the toboggan is on "ice" (no friction)
enter image description here

Best Answer

The first thing first -The concept of friction Friction come in play when there is any tendency of relative motion between 2 surfaces and it is in opposite direction of relative motion (Note- I used word relative motion not simply motion). In simple word friction try to reduce relative motion. in 2 block problem and this problem the difference is T (tension). In both problem direction of relative motion is similar, friction is trying to do same thing i.e. pulling the other block with the one on whom force is applied so that relative motion can be reduced. But in this problem Tension forces block to move in other direction then supplied by friction.And but obvious T>Friction. so here T is increasing relative motion and friction as always trying to make them move together.