[Physics] Sinusoidal to complex form of wave equation

complex numbersplane-wavewavefunction

I know that a sinusoidal plane wave can be represented by the wave equation
$$ \psi (x,t)=A\, \cos(kx-\omega t) $$
I have also seen that a plane wave can be represented in complex exponential form as
$$ \psi (x,t)=A\, e^{i(kx-\omega t)} $$
I know that the Euler Formula is
$$ e^{i \theta}=\cos(\theta)+i\sin(\theta)$$
My question is this: is the reason $e^{i (kx-\omega t)}$ can replace $\cos(kx-\omega t)$ without the $i\sin(\theta)$ term from Euler Formula being present because only the real part of the Euler Formula is what we are interested in?

Note: I do not know the derivation of the complex form from the sinusoidal form. If the real reason has to do with the derivation, could someone please explain the derivation?

Best Answer

I will explain to you the derivation of Euler's formula simply.


$$ f(x)=\cos(x)+i\sin(x)\\ \partial_xf(x)=-\sin(x)+i\cos(x)=i(\cos(x)+i\sin(x))=if(x) $$

from this you see that : $f(x)=e^{ix}$.

The reason we keep only the cosine term has nothing to do with the derivation.

We are interested in $\psi(x,t)$. With $\psi(x,t)$ some physical real observable, the idea is then to solve the equation for a complex $\psi$ which is easier and at the end of the calculations impose on your function to be real.

As an exemple consider the harmonic oscillator $\partial^2_x \psi +w^2\psi=0$ , the solution for a complex $\psi$ is $\psi=Ae^{iwx}+Be^{-iwx}$. Asking for a real $\psi$ gives $\psi = A \cos(wx+\phi)$ or equivalently $\psi = A \sin(wx+\phi)$.

So the answer is that, you need to solve your equation for a complex function ( which is simpler) and at the end of your calculations remember that your function mus be real.Which in many cases means taking the real part but not always.

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