[Physics] Simple rope tension problem


I have this really simple rope tension problem that can be solved for seconds using simple logic. I know what the answer is, I know why it is, but I cannot write it down and explain it mathematically.

The problem is the following:
An object with mass 6 kg hangs from a rope. The rope is pulled with acceleration of 1 m/s*s. What is the tension in the rope?

Clearly the answer is 66 N, but I fail when try to explain it. If I choose downward for positive then tension T = 60 N – 6 N = 54 N. Where am I wrong? How is actually tension in a rope measured?

Best Answer

Think what the tension does. At every point of the (massless) rope, there are two forces acting: gravity pulling down and you pulling up. Then tension is the difference of these forces $$ T = F_p - F_G $$ Since you're pulling upwards with an acc. of 1m/s^2 $F_p = +60N$ which we arbitrarily count positive. But $F_G = -6N$ necessarily points the other way, so $T = (60 - (-6) )N = 66N$

Think that the rope needs to excert a force of 66N on the weight in order for the weight to accelerate at 1m/s^2.