[Physics] Show that the symmetry properties of a tensor are invariant


This is excerpt from Bergmann's Introduction to the Theory of Relativity. He says the proof is extremely simple, but I have no idea how to prove it.

If a tensor is not changed when two or more indices are exchanged, then it is symmetric in these indices. Instances are
$t_{ijk} = t_{kil}, $
$t_{iklm} = t_{ilkm} = t_{kilm} = t_{lkim}=t_{klim}=t_{likm}.$
The first tensor is symmetric in its first three indices. When a tensor remains the same or changes the sign of every component upon the permutation of certain indices, the sign depending on whether it is an even or an odd permutation, we say that the tensor is antisymmetric with respect to these instances.
$t_{ijk} = -t_{kil}, $
$t_{iklm} = t_{ilkm} = t_{kilm}=-t_{lkim}=-t_{klim}=-t_{likm}.$
All such symmetric properties of a tensor are invariant. The proof is extremely simple and shall be left to the student.

Best Answer

First at all we have to definie under wich transformation the tensors should be invariant. I guess you have some Lorentz transformations in mind.

Now we look at the transformation of the tensor under Lorentz transformation:

$$t_{ijk}' = \Lambda_i^a\Lambda_j^b\Lambda_k^c \ \ t_{abc} = \Lambda_i^a\Lambda_{j}^b\Lambda_{k}^c \ \ t_{bac} = \Lambda_j^b\Lambda_i^a\Lambda_k^c \ \ t_{bac} = t_{jik}'$$