[Physics] Shouldn’t the change in kinetic energy be more in a moving elevator from a stationary frame of reference


Consider an elevator moving down with uniform velocity. A person standing inside watches an object fall from the ceiling of the elevator to the floor. Say the height of the elevator is $h$. Then the work done by gravity in that frame of reference should be $mgh$. But consider this same event being watched by someone else in the stationary frame of reference. In his reference frame, the object travels a larger distance as it falls from the ceiling to the floor of the elevator because the floor itself is moving downwards (one can calculate this extra distance covered to be $u \sqrt{\frac{2h}{g}} $) and hence the change in kinetic energy should be more in that frame than in the moving frame!

I just can't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong here. I'm probably missing something very obvious.

So I would be very grateful if anyone could explain this to me.

Edit: Okay, let's say the object is a clay ball and it collides with the floor inelastically such that it's kinetic energy is converted into heat. In the moving frame of reference the heat would be simply equal to $\frac{1}{2}mv^2$ which is equal to $mgh$. In the stationary frame of reference it would be equal to $\frac{1}{2}mv^2-\frac{1}{2}mu^2$ since the ball after colliding is moving with speed $u$. This can be calculated to be equal to $mgu\sqrt{\frac{2h}{g}} + mgh$ which is clearly greater than the heat produced in the frame attached to the elevator and this is a contradiction because the heat measured in any frame should be the same.

Best Answer

Boy, this was tricky, but the secret is in conservation of momentum.

See, you are assuming that, after the collision, the velocity of the ball-elevator ensemble is $u$, but this is not fully true: it will be $u' = u + \frac{m}{m+M}\sqrt{2gh}$, $M$ being the mass of the elevator. Of course if $M \to \infty$ that reduces to $u' = u$, but when computing the KE, something funny happens:

$$\frac{1}{2}(m+M)u'^2 = \frac{1}{2}(m+M)u^2 + \frac{m^2}{m+M}gh + um\sqrt{2gh}$$

That last term which does not depend on $M$ is the key here. Of course the first term, with the $(m+M)$ dominates the others, but it will be cancelled out by identical terms in the KE before the collision. But if you assume that because $M \to \infty$ you can take $u' = u$, you will be missing this last term, which exactly cancels out that extra energy.

Doing the math for a finite elevator mass, and using conservation of momentum to compute the final velocity, you eventually get to energy lost in an inellastic collision to be $\frac{1}{2}\frac{mM}{m+M}(u-v)^2$, which for $M \to \infty$ reduces to $\frac{1}{2}m(u-v)^2$, as Johannes already pointed out.