[Physics] Shor’s algorithm and Bohmian Mechanics

bohmian-mechanicsquantum mechanicsquantum-computerquantum-interpretations

Do quantum computer's tell us anything about the foundations of quantum theory? In particular Shor argued in the famous thread by 't Hooft

Why do people categorically dismiss some simple quantum models?

that quantum computation was at odds with 't Hooft's ideas.

Does quantum computation tell us anything new about hidden variables like Bohmian mechanics (which, at least so far, is 100% in agreement with everything we know about physics, contrary to what some people (e.g. Motl) claim)?

Best Answer

You might want to check out my paper Quantum Computing and Hidden Variables, where I showed that, in discrete hidden-variable theories sort of like Bohmian mechanics, computing the entire trajectory of a hidden variable is probably an intractable problem even for a "standard" quantum computer -- and would let us efficiently solve certain problems, like Graph Isomorphism, that are not known to have efficient quantum algorithms. (This result probably extends to Bohmian mechanics itself, but there are messy issues of formalization there.) What makes this surprising is that a quantum computer can easily sample any individual point in the hidden-variable trajectory (just simulate the system up until that point in time, then measure!). So the only source of difficulty lies in the correlations between the hidden-variable values at different times. In the same paper, I also showed that calculating a hidden-variable trajectory still probably wouldn't let you solve NP-complete problems in polynomial-time: all it would do is improve the square-root speedup of Grover's algorithm to a cube-root improvement! Thus, calculating hidden-variable trajectories provides one of the only examples I know of a computational problem that generalizes what a quantum computer can do, but only "slightly."

There seems to have been very little other work at the intersection of quantum computing and Bohmian mechanics. One reason for that is that Bohmian mechanics naturally lives in a continuous Hilbert space of particle positions, whereas quantum computing naturally lives in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space of qubits. A second reason is that, if you take a standard quantum algorithm (like Shor's algorithm) and try to look at the trajectory of a hidden variable while the algorithm is running, you get basically no additional insight. You'll just see the exponentially-large wavefunction "doing all the work," while the hidden variable bounces around as an almost comically irrelevant-looking fluff on top of it.

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