[Physics] Shape of a balloon


I have a balloon consisting of thin rubber and willed with helium or air under some pressure greater than 1 atmosphere. The balloon is tied off at the bottom.

Without the complication of the tie at the bottom, and neglecting minutia such as air pressure gradients, the balloon would be a sphere. But we always picture party balloons as rounder at the top and a bit more sharply curved at the bottom.

What dictates the shape (is it the additional weight of the bottom knot, or a string attached that keeps the balloon static in position?) and what is the equation of the shape.

Best Answer

My guess is that, leaving aside the tying off knot, the latex composing the ballon is not spread evenly. Balloons are made by dipping a spherical shape/mold into a vat of liquid latex and then lifting it out and allowing it to dry, so latex will flow downwards.

Also, they might increase the thickness of the balloon at the neck, to take the strain of tying the knot.

enter image description here

Latex balloons being manufactured.

As for equations of shape, I honestly have no idea of how these could be derived from first principles, sorry.

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