[Physics] Selection rules and type of photon

quantum mechanics

Let us consider the following matrix element:
$$\langle n',m',l'|x| n, m, l \rangle$$
For the corresponding radiative transition we have the selection rule that $\Delta m=\pm 1$. But will the photon emitted be circularly polarized i.e.:
$$|\psi \rangle=|\pm m=1 \rangle$$ or linearly polarized (i.e. a combination of two circularly polarized waves) i.e.:
$$|\psi \rangle=a(| m=1 \rangle+| m=-1 \rangle)$$

Best Answer

Given two states $|n,l,m⟩$ and $|n',l',m'⟩$, the following radiative transition matrix elements are nonzero: $$\left\langle n,l\pm1,m+1 \middle| x+iy \middle| n,l,m \right\rangle,$$ $$\left\langle n,l\pm1,m-1 \middle| x-iy \middle| n,l,m \right\rangle,$$ and $$\left\langle n,l\pm1,m \middle| z\middle| n,l,m \right\rangle,$$ and that's it (for transitions between states of definite angular momentum about the $z$ axis; you can also have transitions to e.g. $|n,l+1,m+1⟩+|n,l+1,m-1⟩$, using a linearly polarized photon in the $x$ direction and propagating in the $y,z$ plane, or to similar superposition states).

The first two correspond to absorption or emission of a circularly polarized photon propagating along the $z$ axis, with selection rule $\Delta m=±1$ on the atom, while the third one corresponds to absorption or emission of a linearly polarized photon polarized along the $z$ axis and propagating on any axis in the $x,y$ plane, with selection rule $\Delta m=0$ on the atom.

For further details, consult any advanced undergraduate textbook on quantum mechanics.