[Physics] Second law of thermodynamics and heat change existence


It's a fact that $$ Q= nC \Delta T$$

Where $Q$ is the heat of the body and $C$ is the molar heat capacity while $T$ is the temperature.

In an isothermal process we keep the temperature constant which means that internal energy is constant, but still according to the second law there is a net change is heat which is equal to the work done. According to our previous equation, there must be no heat absorbed, then how come the heat change exist according to the second law?

Best Answer

To keep things simple, they fooled us in freshman physics. They told us that $Q=nC\Delta T$. But this equation is not correct when work is being done. If they didn't want to confuse us, they should have introduced the internal energy U, and correctly defined the heat capacity (at least for ideal gases and incompressible solids and liquids) in terms of U by the equation $\Delta U=nC\Delta T$. This equation still gives the correct result for Q when no work is being done. But for cases in which work is being done, we obtain from the 1st law$$\Delta U=nC\Delta T=Q-W$$For an isothermal case, this reduces to Q = W.

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