[Physics] Schwarzschild solution


I am calculating for many hours and I am really confused with this exercise.

Consider a comoving observer sitting at constant spatial coordinates$(r∗,θ∗,φ*)$, around a Schwarzschild black hole of mass $M$. The observer drops a beacon into the black hole (straight down, along a radial trajectory). The beacon emits radiation at a constant wavelength $λ_{\mathrm{em}}$ (in the beacon’s rest frame).

From Schutz's book, I think "comoving" might be wrong, because it is only true when the object flies on geodesic which has to be a circle and that is not guaranteed.

The Schwarzschild metric:


I tried to solve this in this way:

In the observers MCRF, he has the four velocity:


Now we calculate the energy of the object by the observer:


with $U^p$ the objects velocity measured by the observer. Then we found


The last equating can you show with respect to the proper time.

The other component follows from:


From this equation you can compute:

something like that…

But now I have a question.

I am in the MCRF of the observer hence a local initial system with a flat metric. But I used the in this point the Schwarzschild metric not the Minkowski one.
I thought you can do this, because the Schwarzschild metric is valid there in every point. And when you use the Minkowski one you get that the velocity gets infinity on $r =2M$ and this is wrong.

Best Answer

OK, I"m answering this:

"I am in the MCRF of the observer hence a local initial system with a flat metric. But I used the in this point the Schwarzschild metric not the Minkowski one. I thought you can do this, because the Schwarzschild metric is valid there in every point. And when you use the Minkowski one you get that the velocity gets infinity on r =2M and this is wrong."

The very key term here is LOCAL. The reference frame of a comoving observer is only Minkowski over a reference frame small enough that you can ignore curvature. And, in a frame such as your constant $r$ reference frame, you can't pretend that it is Minkowski at all--you have to exert a force to stay in the frame! So, for this setup, I'd recommend doing everything in the Schwarzschild geometry and forgetting about any reference to Minkowskian things.

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