[Physics] Same momentum, different mass


The question is: if

  • A bowling ball and ping pong ball
  • are moving at same momentum
  • and you exert same force to stop each one
  • which will take a longer time? or some?
  • which will have a longer stopping distance?

So I think I can think of this as:

$$F = \frac{dp}{dt} = m \cdot \frac{v_i – 0}{\Delta t} = \frac{p_i}{\Delta t}$$

Since both have same momentum, given same force and momentum, time will be the same? Is this right?

Then how do I do the stopping distance one?

Best Answer

You're right about the stopping time, if you continuously apply a constant force, this will indeed be true.

The stopping distance will probably not be the same, as the pingpong-ball is moving much faster initially (why?). Can you determine the velocity of the ball as a function of time? How will you use this velocity for determining the stopping distance?