[Physics] Rocket Propulsion, delta V, acceleration and time. How do they relate


I'm trying to understand rockets in a vacuum.

As I understand it the, Tsiolkovsky rocket equation gives me the change in velocity of a rocket + payload after expelling a certain amount of fuel.

But how does acceleration fit into this equation? Acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the change in time. But I have nothing in the Tsiolkovsky equation to measure the time the burn took, only how much delta v it gave me.

Does the Effective Exhaust Velocity tell me how long it took for it to burn that amount of mass? Because this page here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_impulse#Specific_impulse_as_a_speed_.28effective_exhaust_velocity.29 gives me an equation to convert the Effective Exhaust Velocity into Specific Impulse as time.

However, this equation is using the gravity of earth, whereas I want to assume there's no gravitational forces at play. I can't just remove it because then they're the same value.

And if I had the time in here, how does it relate back to the change in mass from the propellant being used?

So at the end of the day, how to you determine:

  1. How much fuel a rocket burns in a second? (is this the effective exhaust velocity, or is there a relationship?)
  2. What's the acceleration of a rocket burning this mass of fuel for a second?

I understand that the changing mass comes into play; but I can't figure it out.

This question is for interests sake; no real reason.

Best Answer

  1. Most rocket variants, other than solid rockets (and even some of those) have throttles or some other means of controlling flow/burn rates. Some also have variable Propellant Nozzles, such that there is no one set burn rate. You could perhaps use 'full throttle' or 'max flow rate' if you like, but you have to make that caveat.

  2. No, burn rate is not equivalent to effective exhaust velocity. You can get a rough idea of typical exhaust velocities if you know what you're burning (Kerosene/LOX, Perchlorate/LOX, Hybrid HTPB/N2O, etc...), the rocket velocity, the atmospheric conditions (I.E. earth altitude, vacuum, etc.) and the flow characteristics of the Propellant Nozzle at those conditions. For a rough estimate of Kerosene/LOX, you could start with 4.4km/s.

The velocity of an exhaust stream after reduction by effects such as friction, non-axially directed flow, and pressure differences between the inside of the rocket and its surroundings. The effective exhaust velocity is one of two factors determining the thrust, or accelerating force, that a rocket can develop, the other factor being the quantity of reaction mass expelled from the rocket in unit time. In most cases, the effective exhaust velocity is close to the actual exhaust velocity.

Effective Exhaust Velocity

  1. For #2 you are looking for Specific Impulse.

Specific impulse (usually abbreviated Isp) is a measure of the efficiency of rocket and jet engines. It represents the force with respect to the amount of propellant used per unit time. If the "amount" of propellant is given in terms of mass (such as in kilograms), then specific impulse has units of velocity. If it is given in terms of weight (such as in kiloponds or newtons), then specific impulse has units of time (seconds). The conversion constant between these two versions is thus essentially "gravity" (more specifically g0). The higher the specific impulse, the lower the propellant flow rate required for a given thrust, and in the case of a rocket the less propellant needed for a given delta-v per the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation.

Wikipedia: Specific Impulse

Now, for what you're after, with a few assumptions (constant acceleration) you can just use the Tsiolkovski + time + Isp of the engine.

Example: I have 4000 kg of a fuel in a 8000 kg fully fueled rocket in space, the fuel is of a certain composition such that through my nozzle design at a vacuum it exits my craft at effectively 4.0km/s ($I_{sp}$), and at full throttle it would burn all it's fuel in 10 seconds. Using the Tsiolkovski:

$ \Delta V = v_e * ln(\frac {m_0} {m_1} ) $

$ \Delta V = 4.0 km/s * ln (\frac {8000} {4000} ) $

$ \Delta V = 4.0 km/s * ln (2) $

$ \Delta V = 4.0 km/s * 0.693... = 2.77 km/s $

This change in velocity was made over 10 seconds, so

$ a = \frac {\Delta V\ km/s} {10\ s} = \frac { 2.77\ km/s } {10\ s} = 0.277\ km/s^2 = 277\ m/s^2 $

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