[Physics] Resolving power of microscope


Can anyone explain me the derivation part as given in the image ?
enter image description here

enter image description here

According to Rayleigh Criterion, the angle subtended of the radius of the airy disc is given by 1.22 λ / D

D = diameter or aperture of the lens.

In the image they have considered θ = 1.22 λ / D , if i think according to Rayleigh's criterion it should be θ/2 = 1.22 λ / D. (According to Rayleigh Criterion we consider the angle equivalent to the radius, and not the diameter of the airy disc).

I don't understand why they have considered that ?

Please help.

Best Answer

An Airy disk having a having a central spot in the focal plane the radius of the first zero is $$d = 1.22f\frac{\lambda}{D}$$

In the object space the angular resolution is then $$\theta = 1.22\frac{\lambda}{D}$$

where $D$ is the diameter of the aperture

You should check your definition once again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffraction#Circular_aperture

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