[Physics] relativistic generalization of the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution


The Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution in 3D space is
f(v)dv = 4\pi \left(\frac{m}{2\pi k_B T}\right)^{3/2} v^2 \exp\left(-\frac{m v^2}{2k_B T}\right)dv$$
It gives the probability for a single particle to have a speed in the intervall $[v,v+dv]$. But this probability is not zero for speeds $v > c $ in conflict with special relativity.

Is there a generalization of the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution which is valid also in the relativistic regime so that $f(v) = 0$ for $v>c$ ? And how can it be derived? Or can a single particle distribution simply not exist for relativistic speeds, because for high energies, we always have pair-production meaning the particle number is not conserved and a single particle distribution can not be defined in a consistent way?

Best Answer

The point of a Boltzmann distribution is that it maximizes entropy given a fixed energy. The concept applies to systems with other degrees of freedom besides translational kinetic energy. The general distribution, from Wikipedia is

enter image description here

Thus, the simple adjustment to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution you cited is to replace the Newtonian kinetic energy $\frac{mv^2}{2}$ with the relativistic kinetic energy $(\gamma - 1)mc^2$ everywhere it appears in the distribution.

Pair creation is a separate issue that I'll leave to someone else.