[Physics] relationship between voltage and current


I know that this question had been asked many times but I think it will be a new info
in Ohm’s law:
$$R = V/I$$
So Voltage is directly proportional to Current

In Electric Power’s law:
$$P = VI$$
so Voltage is inversely proportional to Current.
I am very confused about this. I made many researches in many sites and here but no results.

Best Answer

If you keep the resistance constant, then $V=IR$ means that voltage is directly proportional to current.

If you keep the power constant, then $V=\frac{P}{I}$ means that voltage is inversely proportional to current.

However, because $V=IR$, we can write that $P=I^2R$. Therefore, if we say resistance is constant, then power must change with current, which means that voltage is no longer inversely proportional to current.

There is no contradiction here, you simply need to be mindful of what you are holding constant and ask yourself if you are being consistent