[Physics] Relationship between torque and angular momentum


I want to know how to deduce the equation $\vec{\tau}=\vec{\omega} \times \vec{L}$, where

$\vec{\tau}$ is the moment of force (also known as torque),

$\vec{L}$ is the angular momentum,

$\vec{\omega}$ is the angular velocity.

Best Answer

Here is the proof that I think you're looking for. As Ali remarks in his answer, the results holds true for a rigid body undergoing rotation with constant angular velocity.

Let $\vec r_i$ denote the position of some particle in a rigid body. Suppose this rigid body is undergoing rotation with angular velocity $\vec \omega$, then $$ \dot {\vec r}_i = \vec \omega\times\vec r_i $$ See the appendix for a proof of this. By taking the derivative of both sides with respect to time and multiplying both sides by $m_i$, the mass of particle $i$, we obtain $$ \dot {\vec p}_i = \omega\times \vec p_i $$ Now we simply note that if $\vec F_i$ denotes the net force on particle $i$, then Newton's Second Law gives $\vec F_i = \dot{\vec p_i}$ so that \begin{align} \vec\tau_i &= \vec r_i\times \vec F_i \\ &= \vec r_i\times\dot{\vec p_i} \\ &= \vec r_i\times(\vec\omega\times\vec p_i) \\ &= -\vec p_i\times(\vec r_i\times \vec\omega) - \vec\omega\times(\vec p_i\times\vec r_i) \\ &= \vec p_i\times(\vec\omega\times\vec r_i) + \vec\omega\times(\vec r_i\times\vec p_i) \\ &= \vec p_i\times \dot{\vec r}_i + \vec \omega\times \vec L_i \\ &= \vec\omega\times \vec L_i \end{align} This is basically the identity you were looking for. In the fourth equality, I used the so-called Jacobi identity. Now, by taking the sum over $i$, the result can readily be seen to also hold for the net torque $\tau$ on the body and the total angular momentum $\vec L$ of the body; $$ \vec \tau = \vec\omega\times\vec L $$

Appendix. The motion of a rigid body undergoing rotation is generated by rotations. In other words, there is some time-dependent rotation $R(t)$ for which $$ \vec r(t) = R(t) \vec r(0) $$ It follows that $$ \dot{\vec r}(t) = \dot R(t) \vec r(0) = \dot R(t)R(t)^T\vec r(t) = \vec\omega(t)\times \vec r(t) $$ In the last step, I used the fact that $R(t)$ is an orthogonal matrix for each $t$ which implies that $\dot R R^T$ is antisymmetric. It follows that there exists some vector $\vec \omega$, which we call the angular velocity of the body, for which $\dot R R^T \vec A = \vec \omega\times\vec A$ for any $\vec A$.

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