[Physics] Relationship between Potential and Potential energy

electromagnetismelectrostaticsforcespotentialpotential energy

I know that if we have a conservative force then:
$\vec{F}(r)=-\vec{\nabla}V(r)$ where $V(r)$ is the potential.
I also know that I can take potential energy from here doing: $E_{pot} (r) = \int_{S} \vec{F}\cdot d\vec{r}$, where $S$ is just a path.

Ok, but I don't understand what is the relationship between potential and potential energy.

And also: we know that electric potential is given by $V(r)=\frac{k_e Q}{r}$ so we can obtain the force using $\vec{F}(r)=-\vec{\nabla}V(r)$ it comes that $\vec{F}(r)=\frac{k_e Q}{r^2}\hat{r}$ which is wrong by Coulomb's law…what is wrong in my thinking?

Best Answer

In mechanics, we love energy: indeed, it often really simplifies solving problems. Often, we want to know how the speed of a particle varies, or, in other words, what its kinetic energy is. Luckily, for some forces, knowing the variation in kinetic energy is really easy: these forces are the conservative forces. A force $\textbf{F}$ is conservative when its work along a path $\Gamma$ only depends on the initial and final positions: then, we can introduce a potential energy, say $E_p$, so that

$$ W(\textbf{F}) = \int_\Gamma \textbf{F}\cdot\textbf{dl} = E_{pi} - E_{pf}$$

However, the kinetic energy theorem states that the total work done on a particle equals its kinetic energy variation, so

$$ \Delta KE = W(\textrm{F}) = -\Delta E_p $$

Now, let's focus on Coulomb's law. Consider a charge $Q$ in $P$, and another one, say $q$ in $M$. It appears that $Q$ creates a force $\textbf{F}_e$ on $q$, with

$$\textbf{F}_e = \frac{Qq}{4\pi\epsilon \|\textbf{PM}\|^3}\textbf{PM}$$

Since $\textbf{F}_e$ only depends on the position of $P$ and $M$, it is derived from a potential energy $E_p$, and we find that

$$ E_p = \frac{Qq}{4\pi\epsilon\|\textbf{PM}\|}$$

However, even if the notation is usefull for a few particles, it really becomes difficul when studying a complex distribution of charges. Then, we prefer to see a single charge as the source of an electric field $\textbf{E}$, which exists everywhere, with $$\textbf{E}(M) = \frac{Q}{4\pi\epsilon \|\textbf{PM}\|^3}\textbf{PM}$$

Now, multiplying $\textbf{E}$ by the charge $q$ gives the electric force created by $Q$. So, $\textbf{E}$ and $\textbf{F}_e$ are almost the same: we introduce $U$ which is the potential created by $Q$, so that $E_p = qU$.

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