[Physics] Relationship between net force and kinetic energy


Considering work-energy principle we know net-work done on a system is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the system. The net-force causes net-work. So can we also state net-force causes acceleration in the direction of the net force and so also causes a change in kinetic energy of the system?

(Asking this because I read a derivation of Bernoulli's equation, which can be taken as an equation of conservation of mechanical energy, from Newton's second law. Newton's second law used for the derivation of momentum equation made sense but second law being just about force and change in momentum didn't quite intuitively get how it was used to relate to conservation of energy. I got the math behind it which is straightforward just didn't get a sense for it.)

Best Answer

More completely, with $K$ the kinetic energy, $U$ the potential energy and $W$ the work done, then:

$$W=\Delta K+\Delta U$$

If there's no change in $U$ ($\Delta U=0$), then obviously:

$$W=\Delta K$$

Newton's Second Law tells us, with $F$ the force acting on a body of mass $m$, for simplicity's sake we'll consider $F=\text{constant}$:


Let's do this in one dimension, for simplicity's sake, i.e. $x$:

The force causes a displacement $dx$ and performs work $dW$ on the mass $m$:


A little trick:


Insert into $dW$:

$$\implies dW=mvdv$$

So that:


$$\boxed{W=\frac12 mv_2^2-\frac12 mv_1^2=\Delta K}$$

As written elsewhere, $W$ can take on any value, positive or negative (or zero). A braking force for instance will act in the opposite sense of the velocity vector and cause deceleration, so that $v_2<v_1$ and $W<0$, $\Delta K<0$. So mind your signs!