[Physics] Relationship between mass, energy, and a force


I've never truly understood the relationship between mass, energy, and force. I know what each of the three are, I just don't fully understand how they interact with each other.

For example,

  1. How do the forces effect energy?

  2. How do they effect mass?

  3. How are force related to the four fundamental forces?

  4. If all the forces in the universe were eliminated completely, would all matter stand still?

  5. How does energy move from particle to particle?

Best Answer

There is so much detail one could go into, but I will try to point out the most important aspects:

  1. The concept of force is closely related to energy: force can be seen as something which changes the energy of a system by doing work on the latter. In kinematics, work is defined by a spatial integral over the force acting on an object:

    $W=\int\vec{F}\cdot d\vec{x}.$

    Force is defined as a change in a particle's momentum. Since this implies a change in velocity, it will also change its kinetic energy. Another example would be thermodynamics, where a force can change the internal energy of a system.

    Within quantum field theory (QFT), the energy of a particle depends on its interaction with other particles. Such an interaction is a quantum mechanical generalization of a classical force and albeit the classical and quantum cases share certain features, there are crucial differences. For further explanation, see my answer to question 3.

  2. Thanks to the theory of special relativity we know that mass and energy are equivalent and related by the famous formula


    The terms mass and energy are often used synonymously.

  3. To describe the four fundamental forces, we have two theories: general relativity, which is a theory of gravitation (GR); and the standard model of particle physics (SM), which is the theory of the electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions. Classical force laws (Coulomb, Newton) arise as low energy limits of these non-classical theories.

    In the context of GR, gravitational force arises as an effect of the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of energy/mass. The force itself can be considered fictionary and a result of the fact that objects follow the shortest paths through spacetime (geodesics).

    The SM is formulated in the framework of QFT, and as such one describes particles in terms of fields. The energy of a particle depends on the presence of other fields (in this case, one speaks of "coupling", the theory is said to be interacting). The concept of a force is generalized in such a way that one now talks about particle decay. Particles decay into others according to certain laws with a certain probability that can be calculated (e.g. beta decay).

  4. There can be motion without force. By the definition of force as a change of momentum, one can imagine a universe consisting of particles moving at constant velocity with respect to each other.

  5. Within QFT, momentum transfer is described in terms of scattering (for which you can calculate amplitudes) and decay (the process of a particle falling apart into other particles has to respect momentum conservation).

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