[Physics] Relationship between electrical resistivity and density


I just read this answer on EE.SE and that triggered a doubt in me.

If I were asked whether there is any relationship between the electrical resistivity and the density of a substance I'd answer negatively, but is it really so?

Is there really no (relevant) relationship between those two bulk properties of a material? Can anyone confirm or disprove this and give some explanation thereof?

Best Answer

There is no relationship between the density of a metal and its electrical resistivity.

There is a big database of material properties called MatWeb which is recommend as a legitimate source of data by UCSD's and Stanford's library systems, Rose-Hulman, etc.

I took data from around 60 different metals and graphed them:

resistivity vs density for 60 metals

As you can see there is no empirical relationship. From a theory perspective, density has to do with atomic packing and resistivity has to do with electronic structure.

I will admit, however, that gaseous copper is an extremely poor conductor.