[Physics] Relationship Between Electric Potential Energy and Work

electric-fieldselectrostaticspotential energy

If you gain electric potential energy, is the magnitude of the EPE equal to the work done by the particle in the electric field? Or is the magnitude of the EPE equal to the work done on the particle?

Best Answer

Assuming the charge begins and ends at rest, or moves between two points at constant velocity so that there is no change in kinetic energy, then the increase in the magnitude of the EPE is equal to the work done on the charge by an external agent against the direction of the electric field. An example is a battery that does work (converts chemical energy to electrical potential energy) to separate charge at its terminals increasing the electrical potential and electrical potential energy of the charge.

Under the same assumption, a decrease in the magnitude of the EPE is equal to the work done by the electric field on the particle. An example is the work done by an electric field moving charge through a resistor in a circuit. There is a drop in voltage (drop in electrical potential) across the resistor.

Hope this helps.

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