[Physics] Relation between conservative force and potential energy

conservative-fieldconventionsforcespotential energywork

Couple of days before I came across a question something like this

A particle is moving in a conservative force field from point $A$ to point $B$. Let $U_A$ and $U_B$ be the potential energies of particle at points $A$ and $B$ respectively and $W_C$ is the work done in the process in moving the particle from $A$ to $B$. (Take work done to be positive)

And we needed to find the correct relations among some alternatives. What I figured out is as follows:

  1. Potential Energy of particle is equal to $negative$ of $work$ $done$ by $conservative$ force.
  2. And Work done is equal to Change in Potential energy of particle.

    So I found the alternatives as $W_C$=$-(U_B-U_A)$ i.e $W_C$=$(U_A-U_B)$ as correct , but correct answer is $W_C$=$(U_B-U_A)$. I think there is some trick in the last statement of question that "(Take work done to be positive)
    But if I take work done to be positive then $U_B$<$U_A$ but this also contradicts the answer as the answer is $U_B$>$U_A$

This made a huge confusion in my mind. Please tell me if I am missing some concept. And do tell me the correct answers too.

Best Answer

The work done that we consider here is the work done by external force (or by us).

So if the potential energy at a point is high then it means that the work done by us against the conservative field (say, gravity) will be also be high.

For example, if we lift a body, it's potential energy increases with the height because we are doing work against the conservative force (i.e, gravitational force) and this work (+ve work) gets stored in the body as its potential energy. In other words, higher we lift the body higher will be its potential energy.

Energy conservation plays a very important role here.

Now, if the body comes down the work done by gravity will be positive. The body's potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy. The body is coming from a point of high potential energy to a point of lower potential energy, so this loss will be the gain in the kinetic energy (or the work done by gravity).

Therefore, the work done by the conservative force (gravity) will be equal to the loss in potential energy.

Since the work done by gravity is $+ve$ and there is a loss in potential energy $(\Delta U=-ve)$,

$W_{conservative}=-\Delta U$

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