[Physics] Redistribution of charges when capacitors are connected in series


This question is asked before but I didn't get the answers

It is known that when 2 unequally charged capacitors are connected in parallel then the charges redistribute themselves till the voltage across each capacitor becomes equal.

Now if I take 2 capacitors connected in series of capacitance and voltage across each of them (C1,V1) and (C2,V2) respectively such that V1>V2 then what will happen? Will the charges move from higher to lower potential till the potential gets equalised like in case of redistribution of charges in capacitor in parallel combination OR there will be something else?

If something else, then please suggest a appropriate answer.

Best Answer

Although your Question is Not Clear but I am assuming that you want to know if there is any charge redistribution in Connecting Capacitors in Series or not. There is no such redistribution of charge in series connection of capacitors. The Charge remains same but something has to rearrange and hence the redistribution of Potential Difference takes place. As There is inverse relation, hence Potential difference redistributes in inverse ratio of capacitance. Hope this helps

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