[Physics] Real and apparent depth not looking perpendicular to the interface


What is the formula for Real vs Apparent Depth, when not looking perpendicular to the interface?

I know the formula $$\frac{\text{real depth}}{\text{apparent depth}}=n$$ but I'm not looking for this.

Best Answer

This question has been asked before but without a satisfactory answer :
Apparent depth and the viewing angle
Apparent depth is supposed to be independent of viewing angle but this seems inconsistent with critical angle refraction
Apparent depth and virtual image position

In the diagram below on the left the water surface is AB, the object is O and the image is I. One ray from object O strikes the water surface at angle of incidence $i$ and is refracted into the air at angle $r$ towards the observer.

The distances of object and image from the point at which the ray crosses the interface are $S, S'$ respectively, and their depths below surface AB are $y, y'$.

enter image description here

The exaggerated diagram on the right shows the formation of the image I from two rays which leave the object separated by an infinitesimally small angle $di$. These rays strike the surface of the water at points C and D with angles of incidence $i$ and $i+di$ respectively. They are then refracted into the air at angles of $r$ and $r+dr$. Extending the refracted rays backwards provides the location of the image I.

Angle ECD = $r$ and angle FCD = $i$. It follows that $$CD\cos r=S'dr$$ $$CD\cos i=S di$$

Differentiate Snell's Law : $$n\sin i =\sin r$$ $$n\cos i. di = \cos r. dr$$

Combining the above relations we get $$\frac{S}{S'}=n(\frac{\cos i}{\cos r})^2$$ $$\frac{y}{y'}=\frac{S\cos i}{S'\cos r}=n(\frac{\cos i}{\cos r})^3$$ $$\frac{x}{x'}=\frac{S\sin i}{S'\sin r}=(\frac{\cos i}{\cos r})^2$$

For small angles of refraction $r$ $$\frac{y}{y'}\approx n(1+\frac32 (1-\frac{1}{n^2})r^2)$$ When $r \approx 0$ we get the usual formula $$\frac{\text{real depth}}{\text{apparent depth}} \approx n$$ The above result also agrees with the solution given in Irodov Ex. 5.18 (Problems in General Physics), which is $$\frac{y'}{y}=\frac{n^2\cos^3 r}{(n^2-\sin^2 r)^{3/2}}$$

$r \ge i$ hence $\cos r \le \cos i$. So we always have $y \ge y'$ and $x \ge x'$. The image is only vertically above the object ($x=x'$) when viewed from above ($i=r=0$). Otherwise the image is always closer to the observer (not further away, as depicted in the above diagrams).

In the extreme case of $r \to 90^{\circ}$ the image is at the surface of the water ($y' \approx 0$) at a distance of $y\tan C$ horizontally from the object towards the observer, where $C$ is the Critical Angle - ie $n\sin C=1$.