Elasticity – Understanding the Range of Poisson’s Ratio


I know the range of poisson's ratio is -1 to 0.5 but how do you arrive at this expression? I am a 11th grade student and I am not too familiar with advanced physics

Best Answer

The answer is a bit lengthy, but can be arrived at using arguments about elastic strain energy. Here is a very detailed explanation:

Limits of Poisson's ratio in isotropic solid

This was written at a graduate mechanical engineering level, so I'll simplify it here.

Imagine that there exists a function $\psi$ that describes how much energy is contained in a solid per unit volume. This quantity is a function of material properties and deformation. For a linear elastic, isotropic solid, the material properties are Young's modulus (E), and the Poisson ratio ($\nu$).

One of the assumptions of the theory of elasticity is that the elastic energy $\psi$ is a function that is strictly increasing for all conceivable deformations. The details of this assumption are in my other answer (the link), but it turns out that $\nu$ can only be in the interval

$$ -1 < \nu < \frac{1}{2} $$

I hope this clears up your question at an appropriate level. Let me know in the comments if not!