[Physics] Radiation emission and absorption


Any object can emit and absorb radiation and the power of emission can be represented by the Stefan-Boltzmann law:

$$P=A\epsilon\sigma T^4$$

In many texts the net power radiated is the difference between the power emitted and the power absorbed:

$$P_{net}=A\epsilon\sigma (T^4-T_s^4)$$

where $$T_{s}$$ is the temperature of the surroundings.

Why can the surrounding and the object share the same $\epsilon$ ?

If we try to find out the radiation emitted from the surrounding it should be $P_s=A\epsilon_s\sigma T_s^4$, and if $\epsilon_s<\epsilon$, we will get a strange result that energy radiated from the surrounding is less than the radiation absorbed by the body from the surrounding. What am I missing?

Best Answer

The Stefan-Boltzmann law for net power radiated pertains to the object. That is, we're simply asking, how much radiation leaves this object (this depends on the object's emissivity), and how much radiation is absorbed by this object (this depends on the objects absorptivity). The emissivity and absorptivity in the equation you present thus pertain to the object, not the environment. That equation makes some assumptions. I couldn't find a good explanation for why the coefficients are what they are in the net power formula you posted, so I thought I'd take a step back and derive it.

The power emitted per unit area from the surroundings is

$$P_s=\epsilon_s \sigma T_s^4$$

The object will absorb a fraction of that based on its area and absorptivity:

$$P_a=\alpha \epsilon_s \sigma T_s^4$$

The object will emit:

$$P_e=\epsilon \sigma T^4$$

The net power delivered to the object is

$$P_{net} = P_a - P_e = \epsilon\sigma T^4 - \alpha \epsilon_s \sigma T_s^4$$

If the absorptivity and emissivity are equal, and $\epsilon_s = 1$ (blackbody), we get:

$$P_{net} = P_a - P_e = \epsilon \sigma (T^4-T_s^4)$$

So you'd have to assume that the surroundings perfectly emitting, and that the absorptivity and emissivity are equal. The latter is true under thermodynamic equilibrium or local thermodynamic equilibrium. See the Wikipedia page for Planck's law and in particular the section on Kirchhoff's Law.

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