[Physics] Questions re significance of 2016 and 2020 LIGO observations


Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 061102 (2016) – "Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger"
(https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.061102) reports that the gravitational waves detected by LIGO match up with the signal expected from two black holes merging as predicted by general relativity. Additionally, the masses of both black holes were estimated.

Also the article "Observation of Gravitational Waves from Two Neutron Star–Black Hole Coalescences" (published in 2020 January issue of the "The Astrophysical Journal Letters") states that "the LIGO–Virgo detector network observed gravitational-wave (GW) signals from two compact binary inspirals that are consistent with neutron star–black hole (NSBH) binaries. These represent the first confident observations to date of NSBH binaries via any observational means". https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ac082e


  1. How certain are we that LIGO 2016 and LIGO/VIRGO 2020 detections of gravitational waves are necessarily from two black holes merging and Neutron Star–Black Hole Coalescences (correspondingly)?

  2. Since supermassive black holes are typically at the center of a host galaxy, what happened to the galaxies that contained the two merging black holes (when such merging is inferred only by the analysis of the structure of the registered by LIGO gravitational waves)?
    Is there additional (independent of gravitational waves capture analysis) observational evidence confirming that black hole's host galaxies indeed have merged.


After reading the answers, I understand that some signals (filtered from other captured signals, deemed as the background noise, because those signals do not match characteristics of gravitational wave signatures predicted by Einstein's GR) detected by LIGO are inferred as the evidence of two black holes or two neutron stars or black hole and neutron star merging as predicted by general relativity.
When additionally gravitational waves, caused by the merger of the supermassive black holes (those which ARE indeed located in the centers of the merging galaxies) will be detected, since mergers of galaxies could be observed by the methods independent of gravitational waves such as registering the fact of the quasar appearance (source).

Additional questions:

  1. Could someone offer me the historical ASTRONOMY precedent when the second degree of inference (from the mathematical model, being associated with the theory of Physics) was accepted as the discovery of the astronomical object?

  2. Could someone give a reference to trustable scientific publication, with the subject of study being discussion of requirements satisfying claim of astronomical discovery of an astronomical object?

  3. Have independent scientific sources (outside of members of the LIGO team) analyzed methodology and results of the LIGO signal detection, and published their conclusions with regards of what was actually discovered?


Best Answer

The two black holes observed by LIGO were around 30 solar masses each - they were formed from stellar sources - that is, a supernova or similar event. They are not the same "kind" of black holes which are found in the middle of galaxies.

(sidenote: The fact that they are 30 solar masses is actually interesting. In this paper they discuss how the environment had to be a little bit special for these black holes to form).

In regards to the condition of "truth", it conforms to established scientific norms. For instance, the detector has been very well-modeled and every reasonable error has been accounted for, so we have very good reason to believe that the signal is real (to say nothing about the fact that it was observed in TWO detectors, one in Louisiana and one in Washington, and the signals are nearly identical). To determine the details of the merger, people have been working very hard over the past decade to develop a library of signals, for a variety of objects (neutron stars and black holes) and a wide variety of parameters (masses and orbital parameters). So they determined the characteristics of the merger by comparison with those models.

Of course, we aren't in a spaceship floating over this merger viewing it with our own eyes. But on the basis of the scientific method (hypothesis testing and independent verification), this establishes the existence of gravitational waves.

(for the full paper talking about the observation)

EDIT: I'm going to try to tackle your clarifying questions.

  1. This one is slightly tricky, since all (extra-solar) astronomy is indirect in this way - we only observe the cosmos via the light we receive from it. For example, the existence of the star Polaris is indirect, and depends on the assumption that stars produce light (which is on very solid footing, obviously). Some examples that might be closer to what you're thinking of - Dark matter is only detected via it's gravitational influence (never directly), but most people consider it to be a real phenomena. Pulsars being associated to neutron stars is mostly theoretical - although we can associate them to SNR sometimes. And actually, the vast majority of extrasolar planets are detected indirectly, via the Doppler shift or transit methods.

  2. I think the answer is "no". You would have to explore each one individually, since the argument in each case is rather unique. I once listened to an interesting podcast about how astronomy is observational, not experimental. I think it's here. I think the best you can do is list evidence for discovery and let the community decide. This is not a unique problem, BTW - no one has ever seen a Higgs particle, in the traditional sense - we inferred it's existence at a level sufficient for the scientific community.

  3. LIGO releases it's data to the public at proscribed times. Here's a list of projects using LIGO data. I don't think I see specifically what you are interested in ("We checked LIGO, it's right!"), but this list is only the past few months.