[Physics] Question on circular motion — car turning on road

centrifugal forcecentripetal-forcefriction

Lets say a car is turning on a road that has friction. I made this small diagram enter image description here

where the two parallel lines indicate the tires of the car. In order for the car to keep turning in a circle, there must be an force directed to the center of curvature — the centripetal force. I have read that this force comes as a result of friction.

However, in order for there to be a frictional force towards the center, doesn't there have to be a force directly opposite pulling away from the center, as frictional forces cannot exist by themselves — they have to act in order to counter an opposite force.

Thus, how can there be a frictional force towards the center without a corresponding force pulling away from the center? Does this have something to do with the centrifugal pseudo-force? Further, where exactly does this frictional force come from? Also, why is the frictional force directed towards the center? Shouldn't it be opposite the direction the car is traveling at the moment — thus in a direction opposite the tangential?

Best Answer

Friction forces act as a response, and opposite, to velocity, not force (that would be normal forces).

The car has a liner velocity in the forward direction, and it keeps moving indefinitely, ignoring any residual friction. Then, if the steering wheel is turned left, the front tires are rotated to the left, thus there appears a frictional force perpendicular to those tires. This force is caused by the tires resisting the movement, just as any other friction. The interesting thing is that tires can rotate freely only in one direction, but not in the perpendicular. Thus the friction appears only in that non-rotating direction.

This force will point not perpendicular to the car, but perpendicular to the tires. The difference is small, since the actual angle that the tires are rotated is quite small, particularly at high speeds. Also, once the car is rotated from the straight line, a small lateral friction will appear also in the back tires, because the velocity will no longer be aligned with the axis of the tires.

Force diagram