[Physics] Question of Conservation of Momentum


I think I understand the concept of conservation of momentum in an inelastic collision. However, what if two objects, one being more massive than the other, started out together and then separated (via a mechanism), wouldn't the object of smaller mass gain velocity after the separation due to conservation of momentum?

Examples I can think of are:

  1. A skateboarder riding on a frictionless surface and he jumps up off the skateboard.
  2. A rocket dropping a stage that is heavier(even after all the fuel is spent) than the next stage.
  3. An astronaut is holding onto an object more massive than himself in outer space. He then simply lets go of the larger object, not applying any force to the object.

Best Answer

These are 'superelastic' collisions - where energy is released.

Yes the smaller mass would gain velocity due to conservation of momentum, but only provided the energy released in the separation pushed the smaller mass 'forwards' in the same direction as the motion

If, for example, the skateboarder jumps forwards off the skate board he (the heavier body) can go forwards at a higher velocity and either slow down, stop, or force the skateboard to go backwards in the opposite direction depending on how hard he pushes back on the skateboard as he jumps.

As pointed out by Sofia in comment, momentum is conserved, but in these cases the total kinetic energy of the bodies increases.

I suppose strictly speaking these events are not collisions - more dissociations - but the are definitely superelastic

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