[Physics] Question about circular motion of car turning


When we move round a roundabout there is a frictional force between the tires and the road that acts towards the centre of the roundabout in order to produce the circular motion. Why then do we experience and outward force as a passenger inside the car?

Also how do we know exactly that the force acts towards the centre and velocity is at right angles in circular motion?

Best Answer

During uniform circular motion, at every instant you have a velocity perpendicular to the radius (think about this like you just want to go in a straight line and some force makes you do this circular motion), meaning that the direction of your velocity changes. So there must be some acceleration that gives you that velocity component towards the centre: enter image description here From this acceleration towards the centre, we conclude that there must be a force that causes this acceleration.

For an observer just standing on the road looking at you, you do not experience any kind of outward force. From their point of view what happens is similar to this: enter image description here Just like the ball you want to go in a straight line but when you reach the bottom of the tube the wall of the tube pushes you back, in your case its the car, so you experience the reaction force of the car.